
  • Monterey County Weekly

  • Monterey County Democrats

  • Wendy Root Askew, Monterey County Supervisor District 4

  • Bruce Delgado, City of Marina Mayor

  • Kathy Biala, City of Marina Mayor Pro Tem
    "The best way to describe Liesbeth is that she is a “doer”; she has been an active volunteer for many important civic engagements in Marina be it knocking on doors for ballot measures or giving public comment at the Planning Commission and City Council over the years, or participation as a citizen in protecting Marina’s water, wildlife and beaches from CalAm, and being a welcoming, friendly voice for neighbors all across Marina! She is an intelligent listener with the ability to hear both sides and use good judgement on decisions. She will be a true asset to our city."

  • Cristina Medina Dirksen, City of Marina Council Member

  • Jan Shriner, Marina Coast Water District Board President
    "Liesbeth Visscher has demonstrated that she has the passion for our community, the dedication to analyze proposals, and the commitment to work with all of us."

  • Monterey Bay Central Labor Council

Monterey County Weekly Endorsement

October 13, 2022

The Monterey County Weekly has endorsed me for City Council, District 4! I am honored by their decision, and to see my name published together with the name of Brian McCarthy, candidate for District 1.


As a "middle child" (I have two older and two younger sisters, plus a brother), I have been known to work collaboratively, and to find compromises. But some issues are non-negotiable. In my opinion, CalAm's proposed desal project in Marina falls into that category, because it will force our city to bear all the risks and harms without receiving any of the benefits. It is a prime example of Environmental Injustice! There fortunately is a feasible solution: the expansion of Pure Water Monterey will provide enough recycled water to help secure sufficient water for the region for the next 30 years, including growth. I am not against desalination, but it must be publicly owned and should be our last resort, because it is the most expensive water there is, it costs lots of energy to produce, and it causes (potentially toxic) waste. The Cemex site in Marina is the wrong location!

Please get informed at https://www.citizensforjustwater.org/ and attend the Water Forum, hosted by Citizens for Just Water, on Thursday, October 27 in the Marina Library, 6 PM - 7:30 PM.